For further information on outreach and photos of CTA visit CTA Outreach and the CTA flickr page.

credit: Alice Donini
LST-1 during full moon and high levels of Calima in July 2021.

credit: Tomohiro Inada
LST-1 covered in ice and snow after Winter Storm Filomena in January 2021.

credit: Tomohiro Inada
LST-1 covered in ice and snow after Winter Storm Filomena in January 2021.

credit: Moritz Huetten
LST-1 commissioning during the perseid meteor shower in August 2020.

credit: Moritz Huetten
LST-1 during commissioning with the Galactic center in the background.

credit: Tomohiro Inada
A close up of the LST-1 Camera.

credit: Juliane van Scherpenberg
LST-1 with the comet NEOWISE (Comet C/2020 F3) reflected in the dish.

credit: Tomohiro Inada
LST-1 with Shooting Star.

credit: Moritz Hütten and Dirk Hoffmann
This shot was taken during a LST-1 commissioning shift at midnight on the night of 6-7 July 2019.

credit: Akira Okumura
On Wednesday, 10 October 2018, more than 200 guests from around the world gathered on the northern array site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) to celebrate the inauguration of the first prototype Large-Sized Telescope (LST). The telescope, named LST-1, is intended to become the first of four LSTs on the north site of the CTA Observatory, which is located on the existing site of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias’ (IAC’s) Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos located in the municipality of Villa de Garafia on the island of La Palma. The plan for the site also includes 15 Medium Size Telescopes (MSTs).

credit: CTA Consortium, Akihiro Ikeshita, Mero-TSK, International
An artist rendition of four LST