
The LST's review process is meant to ensure the continuation of high quality results from the CTAO-LST project. The review is not meant as a replacement for the standard CTA SAPO review process but as both a prior and parallel review with CTA SAPO. This is an evolving process so please refer to this page for the latest information, guide, and procedure. If there are any questions, please contact the current LST Publication Manager :
Alicia Lopez-Oramas:

Who and what needs to undergo LST review?

If you are presenting results on behalf of the CTAO-LST project (both publications and conferences), then the contribution needs to undergo the LST review process, together with CTAO Consortium review. If you are showing results which use LST-1 data outside of the CTAO Consortium (public talks, conferences, or peer reviewed journals) then the associated material (abstracts, proceedings, talk slides, and posters) need to undergo LST review. If your results are using only MC data then you do NOT need to undergo LST review.

How do I undergo LST review?

The first step is to contact the LST Publication Manager.

Undergoing LST review is a critical step in any publication, whether in a refereed journal or a conference contribution. First, please familiarize yourself with the CTAO-C Publication Policy and CTA SAPO.

The LST Review is described in the LST Data Access and Publication Policy. The current version can be found on the LST Wiki. In case of doubts, contact the Publications Manager.

Style Guide

There are few things to help with consistency of the output from the LST collaboration:

  • The official name of LST is "Large-Sized Telescope".
  • The preferred abbreviation is LST-1.
  • When referring to LST, do NOT call it the “first prototype” or “first LST-1”. The preferred wording would be “The Large-Sized Telescope prototype (LST-1)” or “The first Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1)”.
  • Authorship for papers will be provided by the Publications Manager. In the case of conferences, it should be (abstract, proceeding, talk, poster): A. Aa, B. Bb, C. Cc,…, Z. Zz, for the CTAO-LST Project

Authors and Acknowledgements

For publications: Contact the Publications Manager, she will provide the author list. The current version of the LST acknowledgements can be found on the LST Wiki.

For conference materials on behalf of the CTAO-LST Project, please use the LST author list which can be acquired from the LST Publication Manager. Also please get approval from CTAO-C SAPO when presenting any material on behalf of the CTAO-LST Project. The current version of the LST acknowledgements can be found on the LST Wiki.

If there are any questions, please contact the publication manager.